
"Projeke ea Pontšo ea Sethala sa Taolo ea Liindasteri e thehiloeng ho AI edge computing" ea APQ e khethiloe e le projeke ea benchmark ea pontšo ea ts'ebeliso ea ts'ebeliso ea bohlale ba maiketsetso Suzhou.

"Projeke ea Pontšo ea Sethala sa Taolo ea Liindasteri e thehiloeng ho AI edge computing" ea APQ e khethiloe e le projeke ea benchmark ea pontšo ea ts'ebeliso ea ts'ebeliso ea bohlale ba maiketsetso Suzhou.

Haufinyane tjena, Suzhou Science and Technology Bureau e phatlalalitse lethathamo la merero e reriloeng bakeng sa 2023 Suzhou New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation Technology Supply Demonstration Enterprise le Innovation Application Scenario Demonstration Project, le Suzhou APQ loT Science and Technology Co., Ltd. "AI edge computing based based Integrated Industrial Control Platform Project". Sena ha se feela kananelo e phahameng ea matla a theknoloji ea APQ le bokhoni ba ho nchafatsa, empa hape ke tšepo e tiileng ea boleng le litebello tsa morero.


Morero oa "Integrated Industrial Control Platform Demonstration Project Based on AI edge computing" e khethiloeng ke APQ e nka sethala sa litšebeletso tsa k'homphieutha e le motheo, ka moralo oa lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa le litšebeletso tsa tharollo tse hlophisitsoeng, tse lumellanang haholo le litlhoko tsa mosebedisi, li rala likarolo tsa bokahohleng le li-suites tsa indasteri tse ikemetseng. sethala se kopantsoeng sa taolo ea indasteri se thehiloeng ho AI edge computing, 'me se haha ​​​​sethala se kopantsoeng sa taolo ea indasteri se nang le pokello ea lintlha, ho lemoha boleng, ho laola hole, k'homphieutha ea AI e nang le lisebelisoa tse bohlale tse nang le lisebelisoa tse sebetsang tsa VR / AR li ka finyella litlhoko tse bohlale tsa liindasteri le maemo a fapaneng. .

Hoa utloisisoa hore kopo ena ea morero e reretsoe ho kenya tšebetsong ka botebo leano la naha la ntlafatso ea bohlale ba maiketsetso, ho khothaletsa kopanyo e tebileng ea bohlale ba maiketsetso le moruo oa sebele, le ho potlakisa tšebeliso e ncha ea bohlale ba maiketsetso. Pokello e shebane le ho matlafatsa nts'etsopele ea moruo oa 'nete, ho kopanya melemo ea kopano ea indasteri ea Suzhou, e shebileng letoto lohle la indasteri ea bohlale ba maiketsetso, le ho kopa sehlopha sa likhoebo tsa lipontšo tsa mahlale a mahlale a mahlale ho potoloha libaka tsa bohlokoa joalo ka "AI + manufacturing" , "AI+medicine", "AI+finance", "AI+tourism", "AI+big health", "AI+transporting", "AI+tšireletseho ea tikoloho", "AI+education", joalo-joalo Khetha sehlopha sa artificial intelligence innovation application scenario demonstration project.

Bohlale ba Maiketsetso ke matla a bohlokoa a ho khothaletsa boqapi le nts'etsopele ea moruo oa 'nete,' me komporo ea moeli ke theknoloji ea mantlha ea ho fihlela kopanyo e tebileng ea bohlale ba maiketsetso le moruo oa 'nete. Ka hona, APQ esale e ikemiselitse ho etsa lipatlisiso le boqapi bo tsoelang pele lebaleng la komporo ea AI ea indasteri ho khothaletsa ho tsebahatsa le ts'ebeliso ea mahlale a mahlale a maiketsetso. Nakong e tlang, APQ e tla tsoelapele ho ntlafatsa melemo ea eona le ho sebelisa litharollo tse ncha tsa dijithale ho thusa ntlafatsong ea dijithale tsa indasteri, ho eketsa ts'usumetso e ncha ntlafatsong ea maemo a holimo ea moruo oa dijithale, le ho thusa liindasteri ho ba bohlale haholoanyane.


Nako ea poso: Dec-27-2023