DkVideopaper - Product Introduction

Application Scenarios

  • Provide an integrated video capture solution to meet the overall business needs of offline video capture, storage, management, and analysis.

Core Pain Points

  • The development difficulty and long cycle in the video field are high
  • Multiple coordination signals and complex control

Functional Characteristics

  • 10+high-speed model acquisition, supporting pulse signal synchronization
  • Lossless data with high bandwidth and large capacity storage
  • Audio and video media format+metadata encapsulation
  • Provide comprehensive file storage, encapsulation, and reading services, as well as secondary development capabilities

Realizing Value

  • Provide integrated solutions to greatly shorten customer product development cycles


DkVideocaper - High Concurrency Offline Video Capture For Oil Pipelines

Application Scenarios

  • In the oil pipeline inspection project, a large amount of data is collected and controlled accurately; Involving 10 visible light channels and 1 infrared channel, while requiring precise displacement synchronization and high bandwidth data access service of 1GB/S


  • Provide integrated solutions for camera integration, clock control, posture calibration, video capture, data management, and file parsing, and provide backend services
  • Provide customized hardware to achieve IP67 level
  • Provide solution consulting and on-site implementation services

Application Effect

  • The client adopts a secondary development approach for integration, completing the development and implementation of national level projects