Virus Scanning Workstation DsVirusscan-Application Background

The mobile media scanning station is a set of anti-virus and media management tools for storage media such as USB and mobile hard disks. It mainly includes functions such as virus scanning, file copying, identity authorization, media management, scan record management, file copy record management, etc., to provide guarantee for the equipment security and data security of the factory.

  • Removable media access brings virus risks

During the operation and maintenance of factory equipment, there will inevitably be scenarios where U disks or removable hard disks are connected. Due to the virus risks of removable media, production line equipment may be poisoned, leading to serious production accidents and property losses.

  • Improper management and control of mobile media, and operation records cannot be traced

In factories, data exchange with external parties mainly relies on removable media such as USB. However, there are no effective management tools for the use of removable media, and operation records cannot be traced, posing a serious risk of data leakage.


Virus Scanning Workstation DsVirusscan - Topology


Virus Scanning Workstation DsVirusscan - Core Functions


Employee login


File Copy


Media Disinfection


Control Center


Media Management


Scanning Records

Application Cases - SCHAEFFLER

Application background

  • The Schaeffler factory production line often involves the use of mobile media such as USB drives and data copying with suppliers and customers due to business needs. Cases of virus infection occur during use, causing significant losses. The existing system is difficult to implement and lacks efficient tool support

The deployment features include:

  • Login verification: Employee identity authorization
  • Media identification: Identify whether the storage medium is an in-house device
  • Media antivirus: Calling antivirus software to scan and disinfect storage media
  • Data copying: Fast data copying from storage media in software
  • Management skills: equipment management, safety data statistics

Application effect

  • The safety of production line equipment has been effectively improved, significantly reducing the probability of equipment poisoning
  • We have completed the deployment of 3 sets and are planning to cover more than 20 production areas